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Gum Disease


An infection of the gum tissue that surrounds and supports your teeth is referred to as gum disease or periodontal disease. Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. However, because gum disease is almost painless, many patients are unaware that they have the condition until it has progressed enough. When you go in for your biannual cleaning, your dentist will measure the distance between your teeth and gums in order to look for any telltale symptoms of periodontal disease.

Patients in Summerlin receiving periodontal therapy

Periodontal (perio) disease is frequently referred to as gum disease. An infection called gum disease can cause teeth to fall out. Gum disease has been connected to a number of serious medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart attack, and stroke. Periodontal disease is the most frequent cause of tooth loss in persons over 35, and surgical techniques are routinely used to address the condition. It is crucial to visit your dentist at least twice a year for preventative dental hygiene procedures and oral exams in order to assess the state of your periodontal health.

What causes the disease of the gums?

Plaque buildup is the root cause of gum disease, which can be prevented (a sticky form of bacteria that forms on the teeth). Plaque will continue to accumulate and produce toxins that can cause damage to the gums if it is not eliminated (by flossing, brushing, and having regular dental examinations), hence it is important to remove plaque. Periodontal disease is characterized by the formation of tiny pockets immediately below the gum line, which ultimately lead to the separation of the gums and the teeth. Gingivitis and periodontitis are the two stages that comprise periodontal disease.

  • Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. During this stage, the gums grow red and swollen, and they are more likely to bleed than normal. Brushing your teeth twice a day and using dental floss on a regular basis are the best ways to manage the illness at this point in its progression.
  • Periodontitis – If gingivitis is not treated, it will progress into periodontitis, and the gums and bone that support the teeth will suffer severe and irreparable damage. Gingivitis is a precursor to periodontitis. Periodontitis is an infection of the gums that can lead to loose teeth, lost teeth, or the need to have teeth extracted by a dentist.

The likelihood of a patient developing periodontal disease can be increased by a number of factors, including the following:

  • Chewing tobacco use or smoking cigarettes
  • Diabetes
  • Certain medications, including steroids, anti-epilepsy medicines, pharmaceuticals used in cancer therapy, calcium channel blockers, and oral contraceptives
  • Crooked teeth
  • Old fillings
  • Bridges that no longer fit correctly
  • Pregnancy

Although genetics have a role in the development of gum disease, the following factors may increase your chance of developing periodontal disease:

gum disease
  • You are older than 40 years old.
  • You smoke;
  • You haven't seen a dentist in more than two years;
  • You don't floss your teeth regularly;
  • You have heart disease, osteoporosis, osteopenia, high stress, or diabetes;
  • You have a poor diet or are significantly overweight;
  • You don't floss your teeth regularly;
  • You are a woman (due to hormonal changes that can affect the gum tissue).

Even though it is possible to have periodontal disease and not be aware of it, the following are some of the symptoms that may be present:

  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Gums that are red, swollen, and tender
  • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • Persistent bad breath or bad taste
  • Pus between your teeth and gums
  • Permanent teeth that are loose or separating
  • Any change in the way that your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Any change in the fit of partial dentures
  • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth

What does the phrase “periodontitis” mean?

Gum disease, sometimes called periodontal disease, is a chronic bacterial infection that can harm the gums as well as the bone that surrounds and supports the teeth. The primary cause of gum inflammation, which is the initial step in the development of gum disease, is plaque, the sticky, white coating that constantly forms on your teeth and contains bacteria. Gingivitis, the more mild type of gum disease, can be brought on by poor oral hygiene. Symptoms of this illness include red, swollen, or bleeding gums. If the patient sees the dentist frequently and takes better care of their teeth at home, gingivitis can be treated. This entails keeping a nutritious diet, quitting smoking, and twice-daily tooth brushing and flossing.

Loss of attachment characterizes periodontisis, a more severe form of periodontal disease.

Plaque has the ability to travel beyond the gum line, where it can release toxins and cause an inflammatory reaction in the body, if it is not treated. The tissues and bone that support the teeth may deteriorate as a result of this. Pockets develop when the gums separate from the teeth. These pockets may swell and get deeper over time. Until the operation ultimately results in tooth loss, the symptoms are often rather mild.

Options Available at Our Summerlin Office for Periodontal Treatment

One of the many illnesses that can be avoided, identified, and treated in our office is periodontal disease. We use the most recent techniques for diagnosing and treating periodontal disease, and our staff members have received extensive periodontics training. Dental implants and other cosmetic dentistry procedures are some of these techniques, which can help you have the smile you've always desired.

Scaling and root planing procedures

The least intrusive and most affordable periodontal therapy is the non-surgical procedure known as scaling and root planing (SRP). In order to remove plaque and tartar from deep periodontal pockets and to smooth the tooth root in order to get rid of bacterial toxins, we shall carefully clean the root surfaces during this process. In order to get ready for the tooth removal process, which comes next, this will be done. Local antibiotic therapies may be administered after SRP, and the majority of patients will need ongoing medication to maintain good dental health.

Surgical Techniques and Therapies

Doctors may suggest surgery to restore teeth and gums that have been harmed by periodontal illnesses if non-surgical therapy is ineffective in achieving periodontal health.

• Pocket reduction and regenerative procedures: If the gaps between the gums and teeth have gotten too big, we can fold back the gum tissue and get rid of the bacteria that causes disease. These processes are a part of the regeneration and pocket reduction processes. In order to minimize the amount of crevices where bacteria can hide, it may occasionally be necessary to smooth the injured bone surfaces.

Dr. Cohan can also advise using bone grafts or tissue-stimulating proteins to help your body's natural processes of bone and tissue repair.

• Crown lengthening: During this procedure, the gum and bone levels are changed to expose more of the teeth so that a dental crown or bridge can be installed in its place. Sometimes, this process is referred to as "root lengthening."

• Soft tissue grafts: In order to cover the exposed root or replace missing gum tissue, we will take gum tissue from your palate or another donor source during this procedure. "Soft tissue transplant" is the term used to describe this procedure.

Treating Gum Disease

Periodontal DIsease

Gum disease treatments are highly variable and dependent on the severity of each individual patient's condition. The following are examples of typical treatments: non-surgical procedures such as at-home periodontal trays and scaling and root planing (also known as thorough cleaning); surgical procedures such as periodontal surgery and laser gum surgery; dental implants

Keeping Gum Disease at Bay

Regular dental and periodontal checkups are essential for maintaining both your overall health and the quality of your smile. Periodontal disease does not have to cause tooth loss, and by maintaining good dental hygiene at home, you can significantly reduce your risk of ever developing the condition. Although it is not always the case, periodontal disease can lead to tooth loss. Remembering to brush your teeth twice a day, floss between your teeth, eat a balanced diet, and schedule routine dental checkups are all crucial for maintaining a healthy smile.


851 S Rampart Blvd #230, Las Vegas, NV 89145 | (702) 341-9160
851 S Rampart Blvd #230, Las Vegas, NV 89145 | (702) 341-9160